
Conveyor belt, vacuum seals bags, rigid containers, space-saving stand, blade extractor ......
With the conveyor belt, slices are always at hand to prepare dishes and sandwiches or to have large quantities of product such as salad, vegetables, ham or mozzarella for pizzas without the intervention of operators ....
With special vacuum storage systems, you can keep everything small or large, fresh or cooked, liquid or solid ...
And in addition, the convenient space-saving stand with its specially designed shelves and containers allows you to always have everything at your fingertips ....
With the blade extractor, which can be used when replacing the blade or when it is necessary to clean the machine thoroughly, you can remove the blade quickly and safely.

Conveyor belt, vacuum seals bags, rigid containers, space-saving stand, blade extractor ......
With the conveyor belt, slices are always at hand to prepare dishes and sandwiches or to have large quantities of product such as salad, vegetables, ham or mozzarella for pizzas without the intervention of operators ....
With special vacuum storage systems, you can keep everything small or large, fresh or cooked, liquid or solid ...
And in addition, the convenient space-saving stand with its specially designed shelves and containers allows you to always have everything at your fingertips ....
With the blade extractor, which can be used when replacing the blade or when it is necessary to clean the machine thoroughly, you can remove the blade quickly and safely.